Just hosted our first Even Tuesday Free Meal and met some great students! We had a decent turn out considering it was the Tuesday after Labor Day and most students, and Chaplains, think it is Monday!
Had a great meal and talked about all the exciting programs happening. I was really pumped about finding more musicians for our Sunday Night Live Worship called "The Voice" Having Matt lead this groups is going to be awesome and now discovering that we have students with worship leading experience, YOU ROCK THERESA, we are going to have one great time praising God and worshiping this semester. I hope you will come and join us starting this Sunday September 13th. Supper is at 5:30 followed by "The Voice" and then stay for a movie or watch Sunday Night Football!
Had a great meal and talked about all the exciting programs happening. I was really pumped about finding more musicians for our Sunday Night Live Worship called "The Voice" Having Matt lead this groups is going to be awesome and now discovering that we have students with worship leading experience, YOU ROCK THERESA, we are going to have one great time praising God and worshiping this semester. I hope you will come and join us starting this Sunday September 13th. Supper is at 5:30 followed by "The Voice" and then stay for a movie or watch Sunday Night Football!